Tuesday, March 14, 2006

New KAL and Re-Commitment to Blogging

Well... I've joined a new KAL since I start to feel withdrawal if I'm not currently active in a knitting project. The WIP wipe-out will be a great way for me to be involved in a new knitting project while reducing the number of "old" projects that never got finished! This should also be a great opportunity for me to actually commit to blogging on a regular basis (which you can see from my sporadic past posts has not yet happened). Journaling is supposed to be a good coping mechanism...

Here's my initial list of WIPs

1. Eris Cardigan - still in the early stages (working on the raglan increases)

2. Little Companion Purse - just started

3. Forest Path Stole - working on the 5th tier

4. Circular shrug thing - a bit shy of half way

5. Fiber Trends Felted Clogs - a little more than half way on the 2nd clog

6. Sleeves in Your Pi - oohh, not much done on this one either, though it's been a WIP for awhile

7. Afghan for Dad- currently in the Frog Pond, needs a little redesigning

8. Baby Cardigan from Weekend Knitting

Well now that I look at the list, it doesn't look too bad. I did just recenlty finish two pairs of socks and a felted purse, which helps. I do have a sneaking suspicion that there are a few projects that I've forgotten about that may be hiding...

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