Wednesday, March 22, 2006

WIP Wipeout - First Update!

I have been making progress on my WIPs over the past week despite having a ridiculous amount of homework to do (which unfortunately is only going to get worse over the next few weeks). I've finished the Fiber Trends felted clogs and they turned out great! I'll try to take a pic of them and post it this week. I also managed to do a few rows on Eris and the Forest Path Stole, though they are both a long way from being done. As tempted as I was, I didn't cast on any new projects this week.

Here's my updated WIP list

1. Eris Cardigan

2. Little Companion Purse

3. Forest Path Stole

4. Circular Shrug thing

5. Sleeves in Your Pi

6. Afghan for Dad

7. Baby Sweater from Weekend Knitting (this is one of those projects that was hiding, I didn't even remember I had started it until I uncovered it while looking for some papers!)

Other news - wedding plans are coming along swimmingly. We've finally found a rental car company that won't charge a ridiculous amount (well, it still seems a bit ridiculous, but in comparison I guess it's not so bad) and made a reservation. Invitations are getting done and transportation for the wedding party has been booked. I've also finished a draft of one of the invitation inserts. Only about 3 months left, yeah!

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