Sunday, November 01, 2009

Checking in After a Long Absence

Unfortunately, one of the fatalities of my crazy schedule has been this blog (although it wasn't a dramatic death as I never really posted often anyways). Since my last post was about getting Bella, I thought I'd do a bit of an update on how she's doing. The physical changes she's made since I picked her up from the shelter over a year ago are amazing.

She's put on weight and her coat has changed dramatically. She's now a beautiful solid chocolatey brown with a lovely shine to her fur. She's mastered peeing outside, not inside (although it was a long process) and is no longer completely destroying the house when we walk outside (I think she was nervous about being left again). She and Dusty are still great friends and it has been loads of fun to watch the two of them play together. She also still loves to snuggle with anyone who is willing.